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25 NOV

The energy islands are our common Mars mission

Denmark’s energy islands are hugely ambitious projects. It will require development and research—so let’s start now.

Energy technology Electricity supply Energy efficiency Energy production Wind energy Energy systems
Foto: Ditte Valente
05 JUL

Roskilde Festival: Electric cars replace generators at Food Court

Three electric cars at Roskilde Festival’s Food Court ensure ample electricity to cope with peak loads without using generators.

Electronics Electrical engineering Electricity supply
Photo: Torben Nielsen
08 MAY

Disconnected power cable to Bornholm offers unique test option

The island of Bornholm is on its own these days in terms of electricity supply, as the submarine cable to Sweden’s power grid has been disconnected. This is an interesting...

Electricity supply Energy production Energy systems
Photo/illustration: EUDP
26 APR

New North Sea wind adventure could make Denmark a green leader

A new development project involving several Danish businesses aims to deliver the right technologies and services for the energy supply of the future via offshore wind...

Energy technology Energy storage Wind energy Energy systems Electricity supply
Bornholm som national testzone
15 JUN

Tomorrow's digital energy adventure starts on Bornholm

In order to meet a sustainable future, energy must come from sustainable sources, and all energy solutions must be integrated in new and innovative ways. For Denmark...

Energy technology Electricity supply Energy efficiency Energy systems
Photo: Colourbox
13 JUN

Soon everyone can trade energy with blockchain

Using blockchain technology, solar cell owners will in future be able to produce and sell energy on an equal footing with the major utility companies.

Electricity supply Energy systems
Jørgen S. Christensen / Chairman PowerLabDK
06 APR

New Chairman of PowerLabDK

The internationally recognized test platform PowerLabDK, which supports the Danish position as energy technology pioneer, now has a new Chairman; Jørgen S. Christensen...

Energy systems Electricity supply Energy efficiency
optimisation of transformer stations
07 SEP

DTU graduate assists Radius in technical and financial optimisation of automatic...

The Danish electric operations company, Radius, is currently upgrading their secondary substations in order improve the operation of the grid. This, partly thanks to Mads...

Electrical engineering Energy technology Electricity supply Energy efficiency Energy systems
energylab nordhavn v. cph climate solutions
06 SEP

Cities are the game changers when it comes to securing a sustainable future

Dazzled in sun and nice temperatures Copenhagen was for once this year on its best behavior when more than 350 people from all over the world met at the CPH Climate Solutions...

Energy technology Electricity supply Energy efficiency Energy systems
Introducingthe Parker Project
13 JUL

How can electric vehicles be an asset to the power system?

Peter Bach Andersen, project manager for the Parker Project, explains the technology behind the grid integrated vehicle and why it is of more value to society than an ordinary...

Energy technology Energy storage Energy efficiency Electricity supply

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